The Wilderness Survival Order


This is the general go-to order when you are lost, but remember, the situation that you are placed in can change this order, such as water being more important on the list in a desert, so don’t be afraid to change the order when needed.

This list will not take as long as one would think. Once finished, spend your time perfecting the things on the list; such as by building things for cooking. There is always something you can be doing.

  1. First Aid

    This is because injuries no mater how small could become life threatening if left untreated. Pain also limits our ability to think, and decreases your moral. Without first dealing with first-aid, you might find you have no motivation to continue further down the list.

  2. Fire 

    Fire is what helps purify water, cooks food, keeps us warm, lights signal fires, and even helps keep us sane. Cold lowers our ability to think and takes away our will to work. (Related: Fire Placement)

  3. Shelters

    Without a shelter, bad weather can become your worst enemy. A good sleep is extremely necessary to keep our heads clear, and also keep up moral. If you are too tired, you will not want to do anything. (Related: Shelter Placement)

  4. Signals

    Someone might be looking for you very soon, so you will want them to know exactly where you are, such as from a fire signal. Quite often, people are found the same day they are lost. (Related: Signals)

  5. Food and Water

    This is last for a very important reason. On average, you can survive three days without water, and three weeks without food-while the other things on the list can effect your survival almost instantly. (Related: Edibility Test, Survival Myths)

UP NEXT: 7 Enemies of Survival

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