7 Enemies of Survival


  1. Pain

    Pain is needed, but detracting. It can take away your motivation to work. Instead, force yourself to find something to do to keep your mind off the feeling.

  2. Cold

    Strips away your motivation by making you want to huddle up and try to stay warm. Instead, force yourself to keep moving; such as by adding extra layers to your shelter to keep warmer at night. Keep your fire going, keep dry, keep busy.

  3. Thirst

    Not only does thirst dull your mind, it is often forgotten until water is needed. Drink often, stay in the shade if you get too hot. Thirst can bring on the effects of enemies 1, 2, and also fear.

  4. Hunger

    Takes away your rational thought, can make you shaky, as well as tired. Hunger can bring on the effects of enemies 1, 2, and also fear.

  5. Fatigue

    Reduces mental ability and motivation. Causes you not to care about anything. If this becomes a problem, take extra steps to make your sleeping area more comfortable.

  6. Boredom

    Causes you to think about the other enemies. The more you sit, the less you think about survival. To fix this, focus on bettering your camp, such as with camp crafts.

  7. Loneliness

    Boredom can lead to loneliness, loneliness strips your will to work.

UP NEXT: Fire Basics

Bonus: Most Common Survival Myths

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